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順便附上A Second Course in Statistics- Regressing Analysis 7-e的網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010499518
A Second Course in Statistics- Regressing Analysis 7-e
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010499518
A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis, Seventh Edition, focuses on building linear statistical models and developing skills for implementing regression analysis in real situations. This text offers applications for engineering, sociology, psychology, science, and business. The authors use real data and scenarios extracted from news articles, journals, and actual consulting problems to show how to apply the concepts. In addition, seven case studies, now located throughout the text after applicable chapters, invite students to focus on specific problems, and are suitable for class discussion.
New To This Edition
1. New and updated case studies: two new case studies (Case Study 1: Legal Advertising–Does it Pay? and Case Study 3: Deregulation of the Trucking Industry) have been added, and another (Case Study 2: Modeling Sale Prices of Residential Properties) has been updated with current data.
2. Real data exercises have been increased and updated, based on contemporary studies and developments in a variety of fields.
3. Technology Tutorials on CD:Statistical software instruction includes the latest software packages: SAS?, SPSS?, MINITAB?, and, new to the text, R.
4. More emphasis on p-values reflects the tendency of regression analysts to rely on statistical software to fit and assess models in practice. This prepares students for testing statistical hypothesis theories with technology used by professional statisticians.
5. Updated examples in Chapter 9, Special Topics in Regression, include new examples on piecewise regression, weighted least squares, logistic regression, and ridge regression.
6.Redesigned end-of-chapter summaries are easier to use when reviewing and studying.
.Flow charts aid in the selection of the appropriate statistical method.
.Important points are reinforced through boxed notes with key words, formulas, definitions, lists, and key concepts.
A Second Course in Statistics- Regressing Analysis 7-e
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/skysun/products/0010499518